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Item PW-1413WS Serial #: 18944LNOB



Current Price is $695

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Current Price is $695

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  • This set has the original and rare 2020 turbine without an E-unit lever protruding through the top of the loco (jacks and plugs in the cab control the settings of the E-unit)
  • Also, the original locos were equipped with smoke bulbs to generate smoke instead of later, heater unit smoke generators. This loco still has the original smoke bulb
  • Early versions of the set have cars with flying vector board couplers but most have coil couplers, as Lionel struggled to eliminate the vector version (which was a production nightmare!)
  • Cars include the 2466 early tender, 2452X gondola, 2465 Sunoco two dome tank car, 2454 Baby Ruth box car, and 2472 non-illuminated Pennsylvania metal caboose. All come with coil couplers
  • Also includes reproduction boxes for the loco and tender, original boxes for the caboose, gondola, tank and box cars, and an original instruction sheet.


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